d3salon’s Weblog

January 13, 2008

If the press turns against us, so will liberty…

I started this Sunday as I do most. Rise early enough to enjoy my favorite political talk shows and then the tail end of CBS Sunday Morning. After breakfast and coffee,  I often spend the day relaxing in preparation for the long week ahead along with a few errands. Today, one of those errands took me to Trader Joe’s in Tempe where I suddenly had my relaxed day turned into one of near rage. Just outside of the TJ’s entrance sits a pair of vending boxes for the two local papers. Now, I am not a fan of the journalism of either of our local Phoenix dailies. Today, though, one of them clearly decided to represent one narrow view and position. The East Valley Tribune’s editorial board has fallen clearly on the side of racism and classism with their headline announcing the confirmation of the identity of the Chandler Rapist.


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